The Ladder of Life

Welcome to my Blog. I am an Investment Advisor living and working in Port Alberni, but just as importantly, I am a wife, mother, volunteer, and an active and supportive community member. I believe we can all take charge of our destiny, our future, with the proper mind-set, sense of direction, goals and tenacity to attain what we dream about. Think of your life as a ladder, with the steps numbered one through ten. The top of the steps represents the best possible life we can have, while the bottom is the worst. Where do you feel you personally stand at this point in your life? Where would you like to stand? I believe we all have the power to get to that top step, and I hope that some of the blog posts in the weeks and months to come, will inspire you to get there.

Friday, 20 July 2012

Enjoying Good Mental Health || Port Alberni Investment Advisor

As an Investment Advisor living and working in Port Alberni, I enjoy the relationships I am able to develop with people - my family, my friends, my work associates and my clients.  Maintaining a positive relationship  of trust and caring with my clients is a very important aspect of my job.  Recently I’ve been blogging about what we need in our lives to feel we are happy and enjoying a “good life”.  Investment advising is my way of helping my clients achieve this financially, but I also like to stop and think about supporting them in more personal, intangible ways.  Enjoying life isn't just about money, it's about feeling good about who we are and where we are at any given point in our life.  This is the fourth blog in the series and today’s topic is about mental health.  Good mental health is necessary for people to feel secure, content and to acquire a sense of balance within their life.  Don’t confuse mental health with mental illness!  Mental health is about our overall psychological well-being.  When we get a sense that we are enjoying life, and able to cope with life’s challenges, we are in a positive, mentally healthy state of mind.  The way we feel about ourselves and our relationships is an important element of our mental good health. When we are able to recognize our strengths and weaknesses, we become better able to learn positive coping strategies for when the going gets tough.  Struggles often come our way in life, but when we are mentally healthy, we are able to cope and problem-solve effectively.  It is then that we become content and are able to enjoy life and have fun.  Our good mental health makes us more confident and gives us positive self-esteem, a willingness to take on challenges, to learn and adapt to changes along the way.  Our mental health also has a tremendous impact on our physical well-being and vice versa.  As you think about your fitness program, don’t forget to include a fitness check on your mental well-being.  If your mental health is strong, you are strong!  Only you can make healthy choices for yourself, and this should include choices that are not only healthy for your body, but for your mind as well.  Any sports or fitness coach will tell you that you not only have to get your body strong and in good physical condition, but you have to develop mental strength too. So get fit.  Exercise your brain as well as your body.  Reading, doing puzzles, studying a new language, talking to people, eating right, sleeping right and keeping physically fit is a great way to keep your mind strong, alert and healthy!  Here are some photos to help you think about what you need to keep your mental health in tip top shape...from moments of making your brain work for you by reading, writing and challenging your brain....and also, perhaps even more have some fun!

Photos by Stirling Images Photography

Port Alberni Photographer

Port Alberni Investment Advisor

investing + port alberni

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