The Ladder of Life

Welcome to my Blog. I am an Investment Advisor living and working in Port Alberni, but just as importantly, I am a wife, mother, volunteer, and an active and supportive community member. I believe we can all take charge of our destiny, our future, with the proper mind-set, sense of direction, goals and tenacity to attain what we dream about. Think of your life as a ladder, with the steps numbered one through ten. The top of the steps represents the best possible life we can have, while the bottom is the worst. Where do you feel you personally stand at this point in your life? Where would you like to stand? I believe we all have the power to get to that top step, and I hope that some of the blog posts in the weeks and months to come, will inspire you to get there.

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Spiritual Awareness || Port Alberni Investment Advisor

In this third blog about finding “the good life”, I am going to touch on spiritual awareness.  It is a fairly difficult thing to define because it can mean different things to different people.  Generally, it is a greater understanding of one’s own spirituality and how it can help you better relate to the world around you.  Some find spirituality with formal religious practices, while others achieve spiritual awareness through meditation, a walk in the forest, or working in their garden and communing with nature.  Spiritual awareness comes to us when we find a sense of inner peace and knowing that this is the right path for me.  Spiritual awareness brings about an awareness of who you are as a person, and knowing yourself completely.  This is true enlightenment.  We do not truly enjoy the world around us when we are plagued by fears, doubts and worries.  We must find an inner sense of peace and joy to see the beauty of our lives.  Helen Keller said that “The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt within the heart.”  If we learn something profound and true and can let it become part of us, felt within our heart, we have made the first step towards achieving enlightenment. 

Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.

- Lao-Tzu

Here are some photos that reflect the inner peace and beauty in nature. 

port alberni investment advisor

spiritual awareness + port alberni

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