The Ladder of Life

Welcome to my Blog. I am an Investment Advisor living and working in Port Alberni, but just as importantly, I am a wife, mother, volunteer, and an active and supportive community member. I believe we can all take charge of our destiny, our future, with the proper mind-set, sense of direction, goals and tenacity to attain what we dream about. Think of your life as a ladder, with the steps numbered one through ten. The top of the steps represents the best possible life we can have, while the bottom is the worst. Where do you feel you personally stand at this point in your life? Where would you like to stand? I believe we all have the power to get to that top step, and I hope that some of the blog posts in the weeks and months to come, will inspire you to get there.

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Cultivate a Kind & Caring Disposition || Port Alberni Investment Advisor

I enjoy my job as an investment advisor, living and working in the beautiful community of Port Alberni.  But I think what I love most, are the relationships that I have with the people in my life - my family, my friends and my clients.  This is the last blog post, in a series of seven posts.  I have been blogging about what it takes for people to feel they are living the good life.  The last area is about cultivating a kind and caring disposition, which has a direct result on the relationships in our lives.  When we are kind and caring to others, we are fostering a healthy, nurturing relationship with them.  When we are kind and caring, we move past a self-centered life, to one where we are adding value to the lives and others.  When we do this, it's similar to the "pay it forward" concept, or quite simply, it's do unto others as you would have them do unto you!  When we think and act in a kind and caring way towards ourselves and others, it has a positive impact on the way we think and feel.  We begin to feel grateful for everything around us, including our lives.  People who are grateful are more enthusiastic, attentive and energetic about their lives.  Think about the areas in your life that you are most grateful and thankful for.  Focus on these areas every day and you will feel happier and it will improve your emotional well-being.  There are some people who go through life looking for miracles to make them happy.  They forget that the real miracle is called "life".  Life is a gift.  Be kind, caring and grateful to all you know, and you will reap what you sow.  

Photos by Stirling Images Photography

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