The Ladder of Life

Welcome to my Blog. I am an Investment Advisor living and working in Port Alberni, but just as importantly, I am a wife, mother, volunteer, and an active and supportive community member. I believe we can all take charge of our destiny, our future, with the proper mind-set, sense of direction, goals and tenacity to attain what we dream about. Think of your life as a ladder, with the steps numbered one through ten. The top of the steps represents the best possible life we can have, while the bottom is the worst. Where do you feel you personally stand at this point in your life? Where would you like to stand? I believe we all have the power to get to that top step, and I hope that some of the blog posts in the weeks and months to come, will inspire you to get there.

Monday, 20 August 2012

The 100/0 Principle || Port Alberni Investment Advisor

Have you ever noticed that when you've had a bad day, it's usually because you've had a negative interaction with another person?  Studies have shown that most of our life's satisfaction comes from having meaningful and fulfilling relationships in our lives. Conversely, most of our dissatisfaction stems from poor relationships with others. I recently came across an article that talked about the 100/0 Principle.  The theory behind this principle is that if you live by it, it will create better relationships for you, making you much happier and satisfied with your life.  How does it work?  The basic premise is that YOU, and you alone, take 100% responsibility for the relationships in your life.  Now, that does sound a bit one-sided doesn't it?!  But here's how it works.  When you adopt this complete sense of responsibility in your relationships, you are taking a stand to demonstrate 100% kindness and respect to the other people in your life, whether they deserve it or not.  That's not always easy to do, but let's continue.  Next - you must not expect anything in return! Give freely, without expecting anything back, which is not always easy to do. Thirdly, be persistent with your graciousness and kindness.  Don't give up too soon.  Remember - you have to not expect ANYTHING in return.  Here's the last step - wherein lies the paradox ..... when you take full responsibility for the relationships in your lives, adopting a kind and caring attitude, it begins to rub off on the other person, or other people in your life.  Soon they will begin mimicking your behaviour and will begin to take responsibility for themselves.  The 100/0 relationship begins to move towards a 100/100 relationship.  This principle can benefit you at home, with your family, friends, your business associates and in your community.  It's pretty simple, but think of a world where we "do unto others as we would have them do unto us" every single day.  We all want to be treated with kindness and respect.  So try this little experiment.  For the next week, adopt a 100% attitude of kindness, caring and respect to everyone you know and come across in your daily life.  Don't expect anything in return - just give freely.  Smile often.  Be kind, caring and respectful to everyone.  See what happens.  It could change your life!

Photos by Stirling Images Photography

sprout lake kayaking
port alberni farms

farmer bill's port alberni

summer port alberni

summer sprout lake

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